HIAS is financed by funds from the Ministry of Science, Research, Equality, and Districts of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Universität Hamburg, the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg, the Joachim Herz Foundation, and the ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS.
The Ministry funds the HIAS Administrative Office. University, Academy, and Foundation funds are used to finance the fellowships.
Our Funders
Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg
The Academy of Sciences and Humanities supports the stay of early career researchers from all disciplines at HIAS.
Ministry of Science, Research, Equality, and Districts of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
The Ministry of Science, Research, Equality, and Districts funds the HIAS Administrative Office, which provides the administrative framework for the fellowship program.
Joachim Herz Foundation
With the support of the Joachim Herz Foundation, HIAS Fellowships for scientists and economists are realized.
Körber Foundation
The Körber Foundation organizes the annual conference series “Hamburger Horizonte – Wissenschaft trifft Gesellschaft” in cooperation with HIAS. Our common goal is to bring top-level research to life.
Universität Hamburg
By funding Advanced Fellowships, Universität Hamburg enables excellent international researchers and artists from all disciplines and career phases to stay at HIAS. Funding is provided by the Federal Government and the City of Hamburg as part of the Excellence Strategy. Through the HIAS cooperation program, the fellows funded by Universität Hamburg are being connected with scientists from the university’s main research areas and areas of potential. The conference series “Hamburger Horizonte”, organized by HIAS and the Körber Foundation, is sponsored by Universität Hamburg as one of its international strategy conferences and co-financed by excellence funds.
The ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS funds stays at HIAS for researchers from the social sciences and the humanities.