#ThursdayColloquium by Walter Pengue
Globally, the conversion of land to cropland has been responsible for the largest emission of carbon from land-use change. Land-use change has several implications for countries in South America such as deforestation, desertification and finally internal migration. It implies too, a crucial change of the role of land: from food production to cashcroops exportation. In Walter A. Pengue’s research on the topic of “Food systems, natural resources, environmental awareness, land and climate change: opportunities and challenges in Latin America” questions of concern for the protection of ecological and social variables in the countries of origin of the resources and products in demand are central.
At the #Thursday Colloquium Walter A. Pengue shares insights on his project relating to the nexus of “Food systems, natural resources and environmental invisibles”.
This event is addressed to HIAS Fellows and Tandem Partners.