Public Humanities?! – Wissenschafts- kommunikation in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften

Christian Thorau invites experts from various disciplines to Hamburg to discuss science communication as a field of research and in practice in this two-day workshop.

Science communication is on everyone’s lips, is politically promoted and is becoming increasingly professionalized. However, making it a topic in the humanities is by no means a matter of course. Science studies predominantly focus on the natural sciences when examining popularization processes or the relationship between science, the public and the media. The model of a transfer of technological knowledge geared towards social relevance and usefulness dominates, while the task of the “soft” sciences whose aim is the understanding of culture(s) remains unclear in this field.
The workshop symposium offers a forum for exchange and focuses on interdisciplinary self‐understanding through questions such as:

  • What research and findings exist on science communication in the humanities and cultural studies?
  • How can the humanities position themselves in the field of science communication and how can they work out their strengths?
  • How can the humanities learn from each other and in exchange with the natural and social sciences?
  • How can they become a motor for methodological innovation in the practical field of science communication?
  • Do the disciplines concerned with the arts (literature, music, art, film studies, etc.) have a special position in relation to knowledge communication?
  • What is the relationship to politics, are there approaches that are relevant for political consulting?
  • How does the call for science communication change the structure and orientation of the disciplines?
  • What role does the respective language of communication play?
  • How far may communication about science become internationalized?



18 April 2024 – 6.00 p.m.
Public Panel Discussion
“Public Humanities and the Call for „Wissenschaftskommunikation”
Institute for Historical Musicology, Neue Rabenstraße 13, 20148 Hamburg
If you want to participate, please register here

18-19 April 2024
(for invited experts only)

With the kind support of

Funding by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the federal and state funds acquired by Universität Hamburg in the framework of its Excellence Strategy.

The Musicology Forum at Universität Hamburg